
Liga da Justiça: filme pode ser em CGI

Posted on
  • quarta-feira, 22 de agosto de 2007
  • by
  • Alexandre Luiz
  • in
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    Depois de Christian Bale e Brandon Routh terem sido descartados para seus papeis de Batman e  Superman, ficou a pergunta: o que a Warner tem na cabeça?

    Pois bem, parece que agora as coisas se encaixaram. Segundo o site IESB, a adaptação da Liga seria em captura de movimentos, assim como os filmes Expresso Polar e Beowulf.

    A Warner procura agora a empresa de efeitos especiais que irá providenciar as imagens em CGI. O boato segue, afirmando que até a WETA estaria cogitada. Pra quem não sabe, WETA é a empresa responsavel pelos efeitos de Senhor dos Anéis, e a principal riva da Industrial Light & Magic, de George Lucas.

    1 comentários:

    ApolloTeam disse...

    Hello there,

    We are so sorry to send you message in this odd way, but we are seeking people to join us.

    We need people around the world to help us setting video cam to capture sunrises in different places. Imagine this, 24 live webcams capturing the sunrises from 24 different natural time zones - the sun is always rising.

    We are collecting sunrise video over the world too, here is the link:


    It sounds stupid to find people around the world that we even don't know to help us. But we believe once you have seen the sunrise before, you will be fascinated by this gorgeous moment. That’s why we want to see sunrise in different part of the world, and want to keep this gorgeous moment never end. How about helping us by submitting your sunrises, be it video, picture or live cam. Together we could create the never ending sun.

    Your help will be more appreciated no matter in what aspect. Joining us, spreading it out, giving us suggestions or anything else you could think of. You name it, we do it.

    Our site: www.neverendingsun.net

    Many Thanks,
    Apollo Team

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